About once a week or so I get asked how I am enjoying Lexington. It feels like such a weird question. I don't feel like I have a good basis for comparison. I mean, I normally compare it to small town Maine, because it feels more like a small town than city, especially with the neighborhood feel. But really, I went from being a married couple in a house to a mother in a house, and that mother title means I feel like nothing is an apples to apples comparison.
I am still adjusting to being a parent and working. The biggest area this shows is in my knitting. As in, is it even happening. The answer is yes, but super duper slowly. I started a pair of baby leg warmers on Monday and the first of the pair is still on the needles today. Not a big deal, but it does feel a bit like my craft things are mostly treading water.
Norma might be proud of me though. I have started some broccoli seeds and will be starting most of the rest this weekend. My gardening experience in New England was sad, mostly given my overly shaded back yard. Hopefully I will have more success here. Heck, I certainly have a longer growing season!
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