I really have to stop reading knitting peeps on Twitter. This is where I find so many cool Kickstarter projects like this one. I have to admit that I really would love to pledge at a high level, but I'm not fiscally there right now, so I'll have to settle for one of the lower levels. But still, it involves getting to pick up extra knitting patterns or at the higher levels having something custom made to your specifications (which might be nice as it feels like my knitting time is currently being sucked into other projects) or handspun yarn or a design for you or any of a gazillion cool items.
My favorite dream level is the Reaver Dodger level, because I loved Firefly/Serenity, and well because the art work is the kind of thing I like to look at. That level is definitely not to be, so I will have to settle for something lower after I check my bank account. Why couldn't pay day be a little earlier so I could afford one of the cooler levels!?
In awesome news, I set the coffee maker to automatically go at 4:40 this morning and it worked. I have coffee happening right now!
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