If you don't like politics, then you might want to leave. Even if you do like politics, you might want to leave.
You might want to leave, because I'm angry.
I've been reading more political commentary than is probably truly healthy in the last few months. The war on women, whether or not you believe it is real, has caused a great spewing of vitriol into the internet. I'm sure the vitriol and poor behavior has always been there, but my interest in the issues means I'm seeing it a lot more.
Somewhere along the line it became common to insult people who hold a differing political opinion. Maybe people think they are witty, maybe they think that this is going to convince someone that they are misinformed or wrong, but the answer is generally no. People (and I know these are gross generalizations) do not like being insulted. Insulting a political group isn't an attack on a faceless entity. It is an attack on your friends or neighbors that just have a different opinion.
Really. No one is going to change their opinion because you used a term like Dumbocrat or Repugnican (with usually strategic capitalization). Seemingly harmless throwaway comments like "Pull the other one" or even a "Oh wait" appended to a post does nothing to add to a conversation. They are just other ways of saying that the person you are talking to is dumber than a box of rocks.
Just to be clear here. The trolling that is going on is definitely bipartisan. There are people making as many rude comments about Republicans as there are making similar comments about Democrats.
Can we go back to discussing all of these highly charged issues from a position of respect? We can start off by referring to our presidents (current and former) by their title and last name. Leave off the alterations of the polical party names. Civil discourse might not chaneg anyone's mind either, but as name calling and insults aren't doing the job give it a try. You can even add links to news sites (ones with more facts, so less Huffington Post and Fox News) to bolster your reasoned arguments with facts.
My blood pressure will thank you.
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