So, I'm getting next to no knitting done, and I'm sure all of the knitting parents of little ones are nodding their heads about that one. For some reason I thought I would be able to just get more done after Q is in bed, but I have homework.
I'd say, bah! homework, but in general it has been a pretty interesting ride so far.
If I cannot knit, at least I can design things or write about other things. The studying has been a substitute for some of the fun crafting things I would normally be doing about this time of year.
So, for those computing knitters, design documents for programming? Yeah or nay? I had to write one for our latest program, so I have already done it and submitted it for review, but I am curious how often you've been called to write one or read one if you are in the industry.
The process for writing one has certainly made it easier to start the programming process, so I could understand if they were commonly used. If they aren't commonly used, is this a feature of agile software development.
Needless to say, it's not something I've ever needed to do in my non-programming day job!
(Yes, bonus baby picture for those who don't care about computer programming and only want to see cute baby pictures. Hi mom!)
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