In the past year, knitting has become almost a fantasy. It's not that I cannot knit. Heck, I have been getting about the same amount of stuff done, but it has been in dribs and drabs. I will have a 3 week period where I get a ton of knitting done, and then nothing for weeks. I'm constantly adjusting to my new normals: first Mr. Q, and now going back to school.
All this makes Camp Loopy, and now the new Loopy Academy extra attractive. It is structured and it has deadlines, both of which are important in my now more complicated life. Now, I cannot afford to buy a lot of yarn right now, and I have enough stash that I shouldn't even want to (note: shouldn't. I am weak and therefore the pretty yarns make me salivate). I want to participate in Loopy Academy, so what's a gal to do?
Well, Semester 1 is all about relatively short projects: 1 in each of the three main weights of yarn: fingering, dk/sport, and worsted. I think I'm going to take part of my days off this week (Tuesday and Wednesday!) to look for yarn in my stash and ball it up to start an Academy project. I won't be eligible for any freebies, which are a great incentive, but I might be able to use the project as a way of getting some holiday knitting done in a more manageable way.
So, first up! Finding a free cowl project that will use 175 yards or more of multicolored fingering weight yarn. I wanted to do Dateline Cowl, but if I am not buying yarn I probably should also refrain from buying patterns for a while. Sad, because the pattern was gorgeous!
I'm thinking about some Sweet Bubbles. Does anyone else have some patterns they recommend?