Q is just a tiny bit skeptical, isn't he.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. With the holiday in the middle of the week, it feels strangely brief. I am just used to the holiday falling closer to the weekend, and getting a long weekend out of it. I'm sure that once Q is older (much older) we will take more of the week off to facilitate travel or fun day trips in the area.
Yesterday was knitting light, but I did get the minimum number of rows I have been trying to get done each day. I am hoping to eek out a bit more time, so I can finish something before the new year. I always like being able to mark something as done. It's the illusion of a clean slate, because I always have a ton of other projects that I have set aside that should be worked on instead.
This year was the year of the beverage. I got a bottle of Moxie, some Grumpy Cat beverages, and hot chocolate. Awesome and hopefully delicious!
For Q, this was the year of the book. Growing up, I remember reading the Fairy Tale Tree. It was a huge (and still is) collection of stories. So, when I was thinking about Q's first Christmas, I thought of this book. I was able to find it online (thank you, bookfinder.com) for a price not too dear and in good condition. Now he has a little piece of my childhood that hopefully he will treasure as much as I did.