This week's 10 for Tuesday (and it has been week's since I've done one) is 10 Things I want to do This Summer. Well, that leaves a lot of options. A lot of these I know won't be happening, but that doesn't mean I don't want to do them. It just means that this year it isn't feasible and I should remember this list for next year.
1. Celebrate National Ice Cream Day. National Ice Cream Day is the 3rd Sunday in July. Normally I throw a huge party in our backyard with grill foods, salad, the faux slip-n-slide, and ice cream. Last year was over 15 flavors of ice cream, sorbet, and granita. The granita was gin & tonic, there was a pop rocks creamsicle ice cream, and a ton of other delicious items. This year I cannot throw a party, because it would be less than 2 weeks till the move. Instead, I might go to one of the local ice cream places and get more ice cream than normal (like 2 or 3 scoops instead of 1).
2. Like the above, I'd like to perfect the single serve granita. I like them, they feel light and refreshing, and if it is as easy to make in ones as it is a huge batch then I can make myself a single serve one of these. Oh, Smitten Kitchen, you make me want to have coffee all the time right now.
3. Eat all the leftovers. I only seem to have two cooking styles. 1) Just enough food for the two of us without leftovers (think boxed macaroni and cheese sadly) or 2) enough food to feed an army (like every soup, chili, lasagna or similar dish made in the past year). So, I have enough food to allow us not to cook for most of July and still have leftovers for work and a small amount of variety. Heck, there are even currently 5 ice creams or sorbets in the freezer (including pickle).
4. Write up the recipe for the Lemon White Chocolate cookies that were such a hit at Squam. I just need to make them one more time and take good notes. They are awesome.
5. Knit all of the baby things. I'm participating in Camp Loopy again this year, and so far I have finished two baby sweaters (pictures forthcoming), and am working on a baby helmet hat and a baby dress. Nope. Still don't know the gender, so all types of clothing are perfectly acceptable. I also have yarn for a blanket that I will be starting July 1 as part of Camp Loopy project 2.
6. Make my first quilt. I have all of the fabric. I have the pattern. I just need to dig out my rotary cutter or buy a new one.
7. Go swimming. I didn't swim at Squam, because really I didn't feel like trying on my bathing suit. I still don't want to try it on. While I'm still not in maternity wear, that doesn't mean I look awesome in all of my non-maternity things either. However, an expensive bathing suit isn't on my list of things I ever want to buy, much less one that I will only get to use for a single season. Maybe I'll just substitute dangling my feet in the water.
8. Because I'm buying less yarn (I promise) and using more of it up right away, plus I'm not buying coffee as often, etc. I've instead been enjoying a manicure/pedicure. I have a second one scheduled for after work today, and that might be my last one of the season. It depends on how badly my cleaning the house interferes with keeping my nails even vaguely nice. Hey, it is making me feel prettier, and while I don't need it, that is a nice thing.
9. See all of my friends before the move. This one is pretty much done, because we had a joint baby shower/going away party for the four of us who are moving in August. Some people I would like to see again or weren't able to make the party. It was a great party, but between that and hockey I'm still exhausted (though I wish we had made it to game 7).
10. Sell the house! It is just not something I am comfortable with having hanging over my head.
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