I always say that life would be different if we won the Powerball, but that would involve also playing the Powerball. Every time it gets into the 100 million range or higher I think about it, and even then usually never remember to buy a ticket. That said, if I won the Powerball, I would do a lot of things.
1. Get some professional pictures taken. I'm a little skeptical about the need for baby bump pictures, but I'm pretty much skeptical about anything where pictures are concerned.
2. Pay off the mortgage and, if there is a way to do it without slapping friends and family with a huge tax burden, do the same for them. Hey, isn't this on pretty much every home owner's list?
3. Go back to school. I'd love to have my degree sooner rather than later, and I've finally paid enough down to actually apply again. As much as I like Wellesley, I obviously cannot go back there as someone who needs night classes. There are just not enough to fill all of the requirements, so I would have to go somewhere else. And well, I'm obviously meant to be a librarian, so finish up and go to library school, natch.
4. Really research opening my own ice cream store or truck, including getting whatever needs to happen done.
5. Umm, I guess if it were a truck, I'd also have to learn how to drive. Well, it is on the list. That time is sooner rather than later.
6. Buy more yarn. We'll ignore for the moment that I am still selling yarn, and have a large plastic bin full of yarn that I need to photograph and post for more yarn sale (and it includes Madeline Tosh).
7. Put some aside (and donate a lot). Well, most aside. If we've lived comfortably on our two salaries this long, I don't think there is any need to go overboard. Especially if we pay off our mortgage.
8. Buy a fancy cheese to celebrate. It is my husband's favorite food (or at least in the ultra short list), so it would be nice.
9. Go to Japan. It is on my vacation wish list, and I cannot remember the last away vacation we had together (Squam is wonderful, but that is me sans husband). I think the last one was a cruise we went on in 2009, which means it feels like forever ago.
10. Get a lawn service. Our neighbors' lawns look pretty good, but ours has shown our struggles to get it all done over the past few years. I am pretty sure that even a single season of a lawn service would be an excellent idea. But this, like my idea to have a cleaner in, is going to remain a happy fantasy.
What do you want to do with your mythical Powerball winnings?
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