I'm home sick. I'd say this means I'm virtuously not getting my coworkers sick, but I did go to work Monday through Thursday, so it is more like I finally completed enough work to not feel guilty about staying home.
Of course, I feel guilty being home and doing nothing too. So, I am becoming queen of the 15 minute bursts of energy.
I brought the laundry downstairs and put a load in the washer (under 4 minutes), and then sat and coughed without guilt for a while. I can nap virtuously when the wash is in the dryer, because that takes forever. Barring the joys of being sick, I've also been thinking about my crafting ideas for 2013. Suffice to say that I didn't really complete any of my goals for 2012, though I did make two sweaters (and a baby sweater), 3 pairs of socks (one never made it into Ravelry), cowls and shawls. Nothing super old was finished, though I did go back to work on a few of the items.
This year we're moving (not terribly soon either), so I am stash diving instead of shopping, and eventually stash selling instead of packing and moving. I'm looking at my stash with an eye to projects I'll use, that use up either lots of yarn (like the 4 skeins of bulky yarn I bought for Shalom) or the sock yarn that is very flexible and portable, or the huge project I thought up shortly after the Beekeeper's Quilt started making the rounds (oh hexipuffs, you will be so handy when I've packed everything else).
So, the main thing is what to do with the yarn I've been buying in sweater lots. Somewhere along the way, I started buying yarn in sweater-sized lots instead of my individual skein syndrome. It's great, because it has a lot of flexibility, but now I feel like I should make 2013 the year of 12 sweaters (or better yet, a baker's dozen). What are your favorite sweater patterns? I'm partial to cardigans myself, and my queue is full of them.
Oh, and that stash busting sale? Expect it in February, because I will be cleaning everything in the world by that time even if I am sick again or not. And the washer is done, so it is time to move the laundry and take a nap!