I'm leaving for Squam on Wednesday morning. While I might not act excited in a traditional manner, I am pretty thrilled. It's a very comforting and nurturing environment, and it is nice to have a bit of time to myself (not that I don't carve out some me time on a regular basis, but somehow it is a bit different when you aren't quite as accessible).
Last year people complained about the quality of the coffee. Now, I love mself some good coffee, but I drink Starbucks drip, lattes from a number of places, coffee from Mary Lous (which varies in intensity, but hey they give Victor a dog treat almost every time), and places with various levels of quality. To me, coffee is almost always coffee. I like it better when it is good, but even mediocre coffee is pretty good. The standard complaint was strength, more than quality of flavor itself.
However, for me, I am an early riser. Last year even without an alarm, I woke up at 5 or so every morning without the alarm on my phone or iPod. The dining hall opens about 2-3 hours after I've gotten up, so this year I'm making my own coffee. Yesterday I bought a Woodneck from Dwelltime yesterday. This morning I made myself coffee using it for the first time using their brew instructions. The Japanese instructions involve about 20 grams less coffee, so the Dwelltime instructions make a much stronger brew. I'll probably try it again with one scoop of grounds (about 16 grams) next time. This is a much better coffee than even the Clever Dripper, though I have to wonder how much of that is the amount of grounds vs. the brew method.
Either way, this involved making coffee this morning that was at least as good as what I can buy in my neighborhood. I tend to buy coffee out, because something about the French Press means that it just doesn't taste quite as good as what I'm buying out. Given that this tastes better than both Mary Lous and Donut King, my local coffee places, I'm way more likely to make coffee at home.