Last night we had our gaming session. I'd call it old school D&D, but 4th Edition only feels like old school D&D in terms of the body count. We had a near TPK, and I spent much of the evening laughing my ass off (and between combat rounds playing Words with Friends - multitasking helps make combat less dull).
Our lack of preparation and tactics has burned a whole in our party 3 characters tall by three characters wide. And I ran like a frightened school girl clutching my remaining 2 hitpoints to my scaly chest and hurrying back to town. I spent a lot of session laughing my ass off, because what was happening was so ridiculous. Even if I had died, I would have continued laughing my tail off. I just haven't had a lot of time to become truly attached to Zeshra (dragonborn warden of paultry levels).
And it wasn't a wasted evening in any of my other defining terms either. I worked on my sweater, my camp Loopy project 3, that i have just 2 weeks left to finish. I'm almost through chart A of the fairisle yoke of Oranje. There is even a chance in hell that I will have a progress picture before I finish it up. Progress pictures are definitely not my strong suit.
Enjoy a three day weekend. It's a good time to be a knitter in Massachusetts. The temperature has been a lot cooler this week, so a pile of wool in the lap doesn't feel hideous.