My computer. Sometimes I wonder why I even have a computer. I take photos of our pets and the great outdoors (sometimes) and my knitting and I sometimes remember to even put them up here or on Ravelry.
For me, even beyond reading things my friends post on Facebook, is the Internet as cookbook. My lightweight laptop moves onto the bookshelf in the kitchen and from there, I modify or cook recipes. In the past week (note, these tabs are all still up):
Bordeaux fudge - I still haven't made this, but have all of the ingredients and plan to make it.
Eggnog Cookies - I modified these, and am going to further modify them. I wanted cookies that were very pumpkin-y and eggnog-y. Yesterday's cookies were pretty tasty, but I did not feel like I was handed a pumpkin pie with eggnog whipped cream. I have ideas.
Garlic Butter Roasted Mushrooms - Smitten Kitchen is like Crack. I love Deb's site and it is my go to spot for recipes. Her non-meaty food fills most of the niches I'm looking for when I cook.
Gingerbread - I made houses from scratch this year. Little A-Frames, because they were relatively easy. This tutorial (found find not martha) made my life so much easier. I will definitely be doing this again, but I will plan out the house further in advance. It was a lot of fun, but much more stressful than it should be shoving it into the time between finishing the painting and the party.
Eggnog Creme Brulee - This will be one of tonight's desserts. I was going to make it lactose-free, but finding lactose-free eggnog this year is really a slog. One of my friends had an extra culinary torch, so this will be my first try using the torch. Scary and exciting and fun.
Cranberry Pomegranate Sorbet - This recipe from CraftZine has been on my radar for about a week. I am making it for Christmas today (the mixture is waiting for ice cream maker time in the fridge). It is really for me though, because my hubby does not love cranberries the way I love cranberries.