You sit in a lovely air conditioned office building, rapidly getting as much work as possible done. You look forward to getting home, making dinner and maybe baking: cookies or even a modest cake.
You leave the carefully climate controlled building and Wham! Into a wall of heat and humidity. Any desire you had to continue your productive streak just fizzled.
By the time you get home all you want to do is sit down. No standing at the stove for even five minutes much less having the oven on for 15 or 20.
That was yesterday. A day built for ice cream, chilled soups and cheese and pickle sandwiches. Instead of knitting or watching television or reading, I wrote. A character background for someone who on paper looks like a cross between Rune from Bardic Voices and Elspeth during her travels in Winds of Fate. I'm sure that there were more influences than those, but to me they were the most notable. The gist is a young woman of a different race than the rest of her village is banished and has to grow up and make a life for herself. I left it a little vague, but there is room for a lot more writing. I probably should do exercises like these a little more often especially if I am going to write a story for Mayhem during NaNoWriMo.
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