I don't have a lot of brain right now, but I can make a list so this week's 10 for Tuesday is right up my alley.
What is in my fridge right now?
1. Cookie dough. Compost cookies to be exact. Reese's Pieces, mini chocolate chips and pretzels. Yum.
2. Roasted Squash for butternut squash soup. ETA: Whoops! This turned out to be a dead vegetable, so I am glad that I had another squash for making soup!
3. Cauliflower and buttercup squash potatoes for cumin-heavy Indian inspired dish.
4. Dead vegetables. Every fridge has these right? Ours included some squash and some cucumbers, because I had a glut of them!
5. A tiny amount of milk. I had finished up the milk before deciding I wanted to make homemade old-fashioned hot cocoa. So, off to the store for a quart of emergency backup milk.
6. Homemade yogurt stored in a Fage container.
7. Cheese. It isn't our fridge if there isn't some cheese in it. Currently we have cheddar, some goat cheese, and some parmesan. Any additional cheese is probably dead.
8. Blood. My honey bought be Blood for my birthday (I think) and it has been sitting in the fridge ever sense. Kind of afraid to try it.
9. Mustards. Both store bought and homemade mustard. Unfortunately, we are out of my scary yellow mustard. It is perfect for pickle and cheese sandwiches.
10. Sad tupperwares. A couple of weeks ago some of the old tupperware was divested of its contents and cleaned, but there are more that need to be tossed. Yuck.
Really, I spend a lot of time out of the house, and we do eat most of the leftovers, but we are only really good about eating the leftovers that need to be reheated. Leftovers that are best used in another dish tend to fall into the cracks. I will probably clean out the fridge either during my next free weekend or during vacation and then fix foods for cold storage (I love my upright freezer, it saves me a lot of grief) for when I'm too wiped to do any more cooking.
(And I did finish something else! So, pictures soon.)