Well, actually it is football season! Football is the season where I do number crunching, extra knitting and baking.
Reasons to Watch Football
1. Playing Fantasy Football. My two teams for the season (plus I will do the Football Outsiders Loser League in the second half) are Vorpal DPNs (the good players, I hope) and Victor's Liquid Crapshoot (the bad players). It is a lot of stats and number crunching, but it makes the game feel more interactive. I don't tend to want to root for indivdual teams, but I find it a lot more fun rooting against players. Especially players who burned me in previous seasons. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Favre.
2. Quality Time. My husband is in the same leagues I am in, so it also helps turn what would be non-interactive television time into an activity we are sharing.
3. Knitting Time. It is amazing how much crafting you can spread into multiple hours of football on a Sunday. I regularly get more done in that regard than at almost any other time of the year.
4. Turnovers. I keep telling myself that this will be the year I will make mini-turnovers to eat during the games. That way I won't have to feel guilty (too guilty) for wanting to eat a turnover each time one happens in game.
5. Tight Ends. My Mom (I wonder if she reads this blog) told me growing up that she liked watching football for the men in their tight pants. I'm sure she watches it as much for the actual sporting nature of it now than the appearance of the players.
6. Napping on the couch. Sunday naps during football games is something I remember from growing up. My dad would lie on the couch and just be closing his eyes. Now that I am an adult (really, it's true!), it is my turn to get to nap on the couch during the Sunday afternoon games.
7. The Superbowl. It's a bit of a look forward, but it's an excuse to run a roadrace. I might even make it this year! I missed it this past year and the year before mis-read the time and showed up almost 30 minutes late for a 5 miler.
8. Fall is here! While the football season technically spans the late summer into mid-winter, I think of fall when I think of football. I am looking forward to the leaves changing, and less looking forward to the few hours of raking we should be doing every day.
I only have 9, but that is because my brain got stuck on the things I dislike about football seasons.
Ads. I dislike television generally, and ads are a decent portion of that. The Fwhatever Series ads and the beer ads (especially Coors) are a huge part of what I hate most on television this time of year. They are juvenile, old, and dated. I only like Superbowl ads if I am in a large group and we can diss/discuss the ads during our ignoring of the halftime show.
Our national anthem. I love our anthem. However, I hate hearing every random star butcher the anthem into a 2.5 minute travesty. People! It should only be that long if you are singing multiple verses!
Announcers. They say such stupid stuff, but if you are watching the game as background, you need them to indicate when it might be useful to look up and see an instant replay or what not. Otherwise, I would watch my football with the sound off. This might be part of why I loved watching hockey on the French station growing up. The announcers excitement helped me know that I wanted to get a closer look at something without needing to know if they were talking about each other's ties the rest of the time.