The party is tomorrow and I have spent most of this morning policing Victor-Saru-chan interactions. The baby gate has been moved again. Now it is in front the stairs going upstairs. Saru-chan has done some hissing, but mostly it has been Victor trying to sniff Saru-chan's butt and stuff and being thwarted. The food dish hasn't been moved (yet), but Saru-chan is loafing out in the dining room near her food dish and Victor is hanging with the people in the living room. It's not been perfectly smooth, but it hasn't been that bad either. Part of me wonders why we didn't do this ages ago, but it has only been in the last two or three weeks that Saru-chan has been willing to approach the baby gate with the dog on the other side.
In addition to animal policing, I've been doing sweeping. A yorkie and a kitten's worth of fur from a day. I have to do some more cleaning and ice cream prep, but then I can sit on my duff for much of the afternoon. This week's been pretty intense with rehearsals eating up most of the time I would do knitting and other relaxing activities. I am going to relish taking a bit of a break before the onslaught that is the next couple of weeks of rehearsals.