My poor little bug, Victor, has been under the weather for the last week. He was playing in the yard while we tried to rake even more leaves (our yard might be more work than we realized when we bought the place), and he came tearing around the bend with what looked like a strip of moss dangling from his mouth.
I tried to get it from him, but it was too late. He ate the entire strip of moss (and I caught him trying to eat something else) before I could get it from him and put him inside to play.
So, he had a bit of diarrhea (yes, you need to know this, duh!), and he was getting extra walks and bland food per the vet's orders. His energy is fine, but I think he's a little uncomfortable.
I feel like I have done nothing but worry over Victor and think about dog poo for a week. It's not true. There was crochet, and thoughts about color work and working on socks. But the little bug has gotten a lot of thought and quite a number of homecooked meals (foul disgusting meals, especially if you are a vegetarian).
I go on our walks and I talk to Victor. I imagine most dog owners do (talk to their dogs that is). I tell him that these are the consequences of eating the green moss and that Gary Gygax knew what he was talking about when he made the mosses poisonous. I tell him that doggie digestion fails its constitution check against moss on a regular basis and that he might want to instead go back to staring at squirrels. At least they are the right challenge rating after all.
Yup, I indoctrinate the doggie into being a geek, one small poo at a time.