Life has been super duper busy. It's all good, and it involves a lot of fun cooking (hey, Norma! I made some frozen yogurt with your rose petal jam and some cherries mascerated in brandy - it is really good!) and some games, and a lot of multitasking.
Multitasking. How I grow to love and hate you, but because I know how to multitask, I can do both at the same time! It's great how these time saving skills allow such contradictions into the world?
These are my newest pair of socks. The yarn is Fannie's Fingering Weight in the Caribbean colorway. They are very bright, which is great. I love wearing these, because they give me that spot of happy color when I'm too busy to stop and smell the roses as it were.
I knit these on size 0 needles, and they fit just fine. I love my socks a bit on the tight side, so these are perfect. The only other socks I have that are comparable (in tightness) are a pair of plain jane Trekking socks I made a while back and am also wearing to pieces.
I did a slip stitch heel, but if I were doing it again I would try the Eye of Newt heel (umm, it is a partridge or a peacock and I'm a lazy blogger and not about to look it up - besides, wouldn't an eye of newt heel treatment be a lot of fun!). My heels were a little short, so if I were to do this again I would knit a few more rows in my heel flap. The socks fit however, so this is mostly a minor issue with the fit and appearance.
This isn't the only pair of socks I've been working on. I also have a pair of socks in the Melon Cooler colorway from Woolcott. I started them off in the Retro Rib pattern, and other than the pattern growing v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y this is a lovely pattern.
I love how bright these are, though I still don't think of them as bright as the Caribbean socks. Probably because the light blue-teal colors just scream at me and with the melon cooler, my eyes are instead drawn to the golds and the little tiny spots of red.
It's a little weird to alternate rows with twisted stitches and rows without, but it is making it easier to remember the pattern.
I took this picture days ago in the last patch of sun I could find, and they are now almost 7 inches long. I think I am supposed to start the heel when I get to 8 inches, but I keep leaving my book behind. Makes it hard to double check things during the morning commute.
So, two pairs of socks, one an additional FO and the other sock 1 on the needles. Neither of these is getting the biggest of the projects done: either my new sweater (which I haven't even swatched for) or the baby set that I keep letting get the best of me. This Sunday is New England Revolution, and I find watching the NE Revs a very soothing way to work on a cranky project like the baby blanket. Maybe this weekend I'll be able to get to the sewing up with some GOAL! action to keep my eyes and brain occupied while I plod along.