Last night I started masking the walls and painting trim, and I will definitely need to do a second coat around the windows. The rest of the trim looks surprisingly good, but I was nearing the end of my patience by the time I got to the windows and they are not as nice looking as I would like. Per normal, I had a case of duh! after I was more than halfway through, and so I've been painting the hardware (the stuff for the curtain rods), because I wasn't smart enough to remove it first. Around 5:30, I think I will try and do a second coat on the windows, so I am not painting tonight. I have definitely reached the point in the project when I just want to be done (and technically I have other painting to do once the windows are done, but I'm OK with waiting on painting the shelves).
Our house is coming together nicely. Last night, my hubby did a bang up job on the dining room area, so we even sat down and ate dinner on place mats. Virtually unheard of. We still have a couple of big things to bring to the curb for trash pickup, and then I will feel like our house is ready for guests. Thank goodness!
.... it is raining right now. My little mini garden will soak it right up, so I am happy that it is happening. I still wish that the rain would stop in time for me to walk to the subway station.
I will admit that I haven't done any knitting in the last week. I've been doing cross-stitch instead, because in the process of unpacking I found all of the materials I needed for a project for the house. If I am dedicated then it should only take me about 3 weeks to make, because it is pretty small. I'm not normally that dedicated to my craft projects (pretty obvious looking at the detritus of half completed stuff in the craft room), so I'm trying my best to make this a 1 month project instead of a 4 year project.
[Editing to add] I went upstairs this morning after posting to do the second coat of trim paint around the window and saw four little white spots on the windowsill just the right size to be little kitty paw prints. Poor kitty! I'm sure she jumped up on the sill and went, "Ewww, this is all sticky and damp." Being a bad blogger, I did not get the camera and take a photo before painting over the spot. I wonder if I will find more footprints when I get home tonight.