Yesterday I spent my free floating minutes (lunch, the morning commute, gaps during rehearsal) working on the Scarves. I'm weaving in ends, knotting fringe, adding fringe to the knitted scarves, and giving them the quick dunk and hang in lieu of a blocking.
I'm pretty proud of what I've been doing, which is a lot of fun. Normally I don't like speed or deadline projects, because it is too easy to feel like I'm in the trenches of drudgery. Even though this project was similar to many others in terms of the amount of time needed, it was very different because outside of some color choices I got to make some of the creative decisions. It's amazing how much more enjoyable a project is when you have a say in what you are doing.
I haven't really posted any pictures since the first two scarves I did. But I have a number of pictures taken in the early morning before work and before retying fringe, etc.

(click to enbiggen)
8 scarves since the beginning of April. And the last one despite some issues is pretty good for a beginner.
Because I like it so much, a closeup!
Yup, blue and red and white. Stripy and sort of plaidy all at the same time. I started this one on Sunday after I got home from put in and finished it at around 11:30 or so. It's not perfect, but it makes me happy to have done something that is not a simple stripe pattern (it's a level 2 stripe, not a level 1).
This is going to be for one of the leads, and all it needs is the quick dunking to finish it off.
I'm not sure exactly the best way to keep the first thread and last thread looking all nice and snug against the fabric without getting loosy goosy. Somewhere in the process of weaving the red and white scarves, I was reading something about hem stitching (which I'm sure I'm doing wrong). What I started doing was leaving an end long on each side, threading it and then sort of hand weaving with it. I'd go under a couple of threads and then wrap around the warp like I was backstitching and then continue three threads forward (but not like the Paula Abdul song). It makes a nice decorative edge that works well for staying snug before I tied the overhand knots for the fringe. On a couple of the woven scarves I actually had an end too short to really weaving in to look like weaving. On these I took the philosophical theater approach and wove them in like it was knitting. It can't be seen from the audience is a very freeing thing, especially as you motor down to crunch time.
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