I just lost a post on Search Engine Optimization. I'm going to refrain from reprising it (suffice to say I was geeking about a job from more than 6 years ago and being a lazy blogger), and instead talk about a weaving project I am thinking about trying after doing the last of the scarves for Iolanthe this weekend.
I want to see what the boundaries are. What is the weirdest, yet still functional fabric, that can be woven with a rigid heddle, a pickup stick and some patience. Actually, probably a lot of patience, because what I've been thinking of in my mind is something between a plain weave, tapestry weaving (other links: contemporary gallery, soumak instructions)and shibori (other links: monks belt and twill, Carrasco gallery).
There is something freeing about being in the stage in a project or a skill where you know just enough to be dangerous. It is very easy as you start something new to be completely tied to what you are taught - be it from a book or a class - or suppose should be done. I feel that this is in some ways more of a trap that happens in something like knitting or crochet, where there are so many very easy to find books on the subject. Or maybe this is just an after effect of my first weaving book being Creative Weaving, which doesn't exactly guide you in the "Your First Weaving Project" mode.