I've been falling down the food blog well for a few months now. The desserts and breads and dinners all look so amazing, and they remind me of when I had more time and was more willing to make something that was going to take more than 30 minutes after work.
Nowadays I'm getting home between 7 and 7:30 (and thank goodness our kitty has not figured out how to break into the new automatic feeder), and if I start dinner right away I have something ready by about 8 p.m. All of the articles I read about dinner at 5 or 6 are so foreign. I cannot imagine getting home early enough to have dinner on the table by then without also throwing in a maid service to boot.
The other night I decided after a truly terrible walk from the T in the rain that the pear sorbet I made was too cold for dessert that night. Instead, I made the rice pudding from Smitten Kitchen. The day before I made the crepes from Baking and Books (though I filled mine with a mix of broccoli, pesto, tvp, romano and topped with tomato sauce). Last week I made cupcakes (also from Smitten) that I got rave reviews on. It's like if I want to make something, I just troll around on one of these gorgeous sites for a while and poof! There is an idea for dinner that I might even have most of the ingredients for.
Finding the foodie inside is even more attractive now than normal, because I am in the midst of garter stitch and nothing but garter stitch. Sadly, I haven't had time to measure, block and remeasure my swatch for the Cobblestone pullover, but I know that when I start that sweater it will be more, umm, garter stitch. The cooking is delicious and feels creative in a way that the garter stitch blanket never will. I need to work on something a bit more exciting and energizing maybe with a stitch pattern or some color or a glorious cable. Maybe tonight after I get home from picking up my race packet! (10K on Sunday!)