I started planning the new year months ago with thoughts of the spring show, my running goals and the like. I love playing around with these ideas in my head, but normally they don't go anywhere. I just do the same things in a slightly different pattern over and over again.
This year I'd like to dream big. Even if I don't make my goals, if I make a good attempt then I will be satisfied.
I would like to finish knitting/crocheting something each week. It sounds like an insurmountable goal to me, but at the same time very finishable. I have close to 4 pairs of socks in the single sock state, small creatures to crochet, vests and sweaters with only the finishing left to do. Between starting new items at a ferocious rate (something I appear to do every year) and finishing things that have been put aside for either holiday knitting or just something more exciting, this might not be as impossible as it sounds.
I would like to finish the simple cross-stitch pattern I started two years ago. The biggest casualty of my knitting pasttime was cross-stitch, which used to be my craft of choice. Partly it was put aside because knitting is faster and partly put aside when our new kitty (new no longer) decided that cross-stitch was also something she could ruin. Seeing more than 40 hours of stitching go away is much more painful than 10 hours of knitting.
I want to be more consistent with my running. Last year I did all of the races I signed up for, but I didn't focus on training for them. I mostly maintained my fitness level (with some notable bumps along the way). I'd love to finish a half marathon in under two hours, but would be quite satisfied with finishing in under 2.5. If I get off my butt soon, I will have races lined up for February, March and May to start off the year.
I want to do the Spring show (Iolanthe), without it doing such horrible things to my workout and sleep schedules as Pirates did. I love doing the shows, but I become very mono-focused and the things that go away first are exercise and sleep. Keeping that all together will allow me to finish the show feeling healthy rather than run down.
I want to do more baking, and more interesting baking. I would love to try new things or perfect things that I can do (like cake decorating... I want to make my cakes tasty and pretty). It's not a hard thing to do overall, but it is a lesson in practice makes perfect.
I'd like to become better with the camera, so I am not constantly asking my husband to take photos for me. I'm not sure if this is a practice makes perfect type activity or a read a book and learn the science behind the lens kind of thing. It's probably a little bit of both.
I'd like to find a house that has enough space that I can have a small craft room. It doesn't have to be big, because I imagine that I will still knit in the living room. I just want a place to store the knitting stuff that is big enough that I won't be tempted to try and take over a random closet. Oh, and have a lock to keep the kitty out.
I would have more items, but these are so big that I can't imagine adding more to the list. I want 2009 to be a balance of all of the things that make me who I am, rather than becoming very one sided. It is really easy to let one interest to overwhelm all of the other things I like to do. (and note, more regular blogging isn't really on the list, because I don't want writing my blog to become a chore)