I'm wearing my Vortex Street Pullover again today, even though I haven't taken a single picture of it yet. I forgot the camera brain so no pictures this morning, and by tonight it might be too late. Regardless, it is done and despite its flaws I love it. Maybe tomorrow I'll contrive to get a picture or two, though I'm really not sure.
A couple of my friends is having their second annual pie party this weekend. I couldn't go last year, and well this time the oven done broke. The baking element is not heating (though the broiler one on top is doing its best to get things hot). I think I'll still be making pie, but it will be a pudding pie or an ice cream pie. It's too bad about the oven, because when it gets a little brisk there is nothing better than fresh bread or cookies smelling up the air!
In lieu of pie, this weekend there will be knitting. I have a project I want to finish (I want to mail it on Monday) and another that it would be really cool if I could get done too (Halloween kind of snuck up on me this year). Per normal, the rabid procrastinator is behind this weekend rush, but I still have hopes to finish it all in time! (One tasty pie, two sets of stuffies, 3 unmatched socks, 4 photos for the blog, 5 mugs of coffee!)