I normally refer to my really old unfinished projects as "shame" projects, and I've been trying to finish at least one a month (usually I limit it to one even if it was a really easy finish). Last year I started and nearly finish a bag for my hubby. It was going to be a prototype in my geeky craft store. I loved the idea, but the bag needed a lining and a closure (and some ends woven in). I am not a big sewing fan, though I like handsewing more than I enjoy sewing by machine most of the time.
The monster, a beholder, wasn't hard to make. I made the mouth opening out of a picot bindoff, picked up and knit the tongue, and used bobbles as a bit of a surface for the eyestalks. I did a lot of waste yarn in the body of the monster and went back later to pick up stitches to knit the graduated icord. I probably should have stuffed a couple of the bigger icords to give them more roundness.
I used a large piece (though less than a half yard) of gauze to line the body and black snaps to close the mouth.
There are a lot of things I would do differently if I made another one, including making sure that the mouth opening was at least 6 inches to 7 inches around. This mouth is a little too small to allow easy access to the contents. Beholders normally have big mouths!