Sometimes you pull out some yarn and go, "Oh yeah, I was going to make X." and then you go out and do it. It's true! I bought 4 skeins of Crystal Palace Deco Ribbon Print (or however it is called) at least a full year ago.
I tried to work on it when my honey had friends over to play the Order of the Stick game, and dropped a stitch (I was right at the bind off for the back). So, I ripped, ripped, ripped and started over.
Instead of the Ribbon X-Back, I present the Ribbon Halter.
Yeah, I like how it looks from the back better. So sue me.
This top was about 1.5 years in the making, shows off the tattoo, and is a quick easy knit. I should make another, right?
The caveats:
The top is short. I could pick up stitches and work more (even more) seed stitch going down. However, this pattern is stretchy, and warns that you should make the straps about an inch shorter to compensate for the stretching that will happen. Theoretically, this top will also stretch in length and my concern will be moot.
Seed Stitch. The entire top is done in seed stitch. While not a hard stitch, it can get tedious constantly moving back and forth - knit and purl.
The ribbon. The yarn called for was discontinued, so I used the suggested substitute. It is really easy to stab your knitting needles through the yarn, and while it heals well... suffice to say I would rather have not stabbed through the yarn any number of times even if it isn't noticeable at all.
The pros!
It's stretchy. It hides a multitude of sins and I made the next to smallest size. I could easily have made the smaller size. It only uses 4 skeins (in my size) of a relatively affordable yarn. The colors! I love the way the ribbon with its light variegation and pinstriping makes a more interesting color than a single color by itself.
Of course, this means I have finished 2 things this week (finished this on August 30th), and will start another project later today. But yeah, finished!
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