I got tagged by Yoshimi.
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog. The facts:
- I have a large back tattoo, which stretches from the bottom of my neck to below the small of my back. It is a scene of a large cherry tree with a katana plunged into the dirt/roots and the phrase "Aku Soku Zan" down one side. I thought about this tattoo for five or more years before I got it done.
- I was married on April Fool's Day. A lot of people thought it was all an elaborate joke, but we did it. We fed each other cake to Weird Al Yankovic's Eat It. The wedding was short and sweet, and I got mud on my dress. I made each of my bridesmaids, my mother-in-law and myself a shawl for gifts. I was probably insane.
- I have a personal chocolatier. I go to Au Chocolat in the Financial District of Boston (it is near work). I go so often, that I will say hi to Ed and chat with him. He has the best chocolates including Neuhaus, which I tend to buy on bad days and give to coworkers. If you go there and mention me, he will certainly treat you right.
- I love walking. When I lived a little over an hour from work, I considered that distance a "reasonable walking distance" and would occasionally, when I didn't have other plans, walk home. I don't often consider the weather an obstacle to walking, though that does appear to be changing now that I don't have quite as much insulation.
- I like making up my own songs. These songs range from silly and light to horribly raunchy and not meant for polite company. My husband gets to hear a new one nearly every day. Because of this and the way my mind (and his) go off on random tangents, he thinks we should tape ourselves in a normal conversation and just put it up online. This is probably a less good idea than it sounds.
- I'm a registered Libertarian. This means I don't really get to vote in primaries (and should change my actually voter registration), because there usually aren't Libertarian candidates available. Being a Libertarian often means researching candidates for hours to weed out the crackpots who think that Libertarian means something different than what it does (Yes, I want to raise spending for all of these things and get rid of all taxes... what do you mean that budgeting doesn't work that way?).
- I am a morning person. On most days I wake up between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. without an alarm clock, though this week has had a spate of 3 a.m. mornings thrown in there as well. When I am very good, getting up that early means an outdoor run. When I am bad (which is lately), getting up that early just means more time on the internet.
I don't really have anyone to tag for this (which is fine by me), and I don't really consider this meme to be a vehicle for memes so anyone who wants to write about themselves can do it. It's all good.