(because I like the phrase even when it doesn't apply)
2007 is raging across the blogs (knitting) and livejournals (love my friends) today. Expected really and sometimes kind of trite. I read them all anyway, because this time of year is one of the few periods where that feeling is right. The resolutions (this year I'll call them hopes, goals, wtfs) pour out from the minds of millions of people and somewhere out there one or two of them will even be kept.
I have a list of ideas to break for the year, which I will probably break before breakfast tomorrow.
I plan to:
- Catalog my yarn (yeah, I have HandBase 3.5 and I'm not afraid to use it);
- Catalog my books (umm, I'm a geek and don't get enough library work working at a library);
- Go to the gym tons more than last year;
- Finish making my goal weight (only 15 pounds to go!); and
- Knit at least one pattern in each book and magazine I have.
Some of these goals are easy. #3 and 4 are related and now that I go to work at the same time as hubby I have about two hours of gym time each weekday morning. I probably won't get bored, and I certainly will be stronger and healthier for it. And well, the weight is a tool of the Treo which will slavishly record my food and drink consumption until I decide that a third piece of chocolate won't be that satisfying.
Mostly I just want to be organized. Know what all of my books are (and how obscure my library is, because I'm that kind of book geek), have a handle on what the yarn capacity of my abode is, and to not buy another knitting book until I've knit something from the ones I have. I'm already making progress on the last couple at least.
Stupid stats (Jan 2, 2007) (because the sick part of me thinks that is fun too):
Current weight: 148.2 (stupid NY's parties)
Goal weight: 127-130 (or until the Yoke Vest actually fits)
# Knitting books: ~15
# patterns knitted from said books: ~10 (I really only have a few books that I haven't made anything out of)
Now I will drink my Rose Petal Black - yummy tea - and work on my first FOs of the new year...
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