What do you do after you are assassinated? Well, if you are lame blogger like I am, then you finally post your sock pictures and revel in your lamitude.
The socks I made (above) are hopefully big enough for the recipient and used most of a skein of blue tweedy yarn (and I have another skein, so I will probably check my stash later for the yarn name). The socks I received (the same night I mailed my socks) were nice. Soft, brown, non-feminine yarn. They are also too big for me. But that's OK, because they fit my hubby pretty darn well.
I got chotchkies (I can't seem to spell chotchkies) with my socks, which reminded me that I forgot to mail the chotchkies I was going to send. So, I will be sending a box of Neuhaus chocolates and maybe a little something extra (well, at least the extra yarn in case she needs to lengthen the toes out a bit) to catlizard tomorrow.
I feel lately that I have done a lot of stuff, but I don't have a lot that I can show for it. I have pictures that I mean to post and things to write about and next month is Nanowrimo, when stupid people (like me) decide that they are going to do horrible things to their bodies in order to crank out 50000 words of 'literature.' Me? My novel will most likely be the drunken rambles of a monkey who went to a yarn festival while on a bender. It certainly can't be any worse than my previous under 5K word attempts.
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